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Inclusion Diversity & Equity
Fostering IDE: Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
At SBM Offshore, we celebrate our global presence and recognize that our success is not only rooted in our innovative products and services, but also in the incredible diversity of talents, perspectives, and backgrounds that each SBMer brings to the organization. It is through valuing diversity that we gain a broader understanding of our stakeholders, including the communities around the world where we operate.
Our IDE Policy is the foundation of our approach, which fuels our creativity, drives our innovation, and propels us towards excellence in all that we do.
Our IDE Policy
What Inclusion Means to us?
For our workplace to be inclusive, it means that all people must feel welcome and valued for their hard work. It’s about creating a workplace where all individuals—regardless of their backgrounds, experiences, or characteristics—are valued, respected, and empowered. By fostering psychological safety, we enable our colleagues to share their perspectives openly, embrace their uniqueness, and contribute to their fullest potential.

And what about Diversity?
Our strength lies in our differences. At SBM Offshore, we celebrate diversity in all its forms, including gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion, nationality, socioeconomic background and more. We believe diverse teams bring unique perspectives that enhance decision-making, fuel creativity, collaboration and drive excellence.

Equity: Ensuring Fairness for All
Equity is about fairness and justice—giving every individual the specific resources, opportunities, and support they need to succeed. We tailor our efforts to recognize the unique needs of our people and consider them thoughtfully, ensuring everyone has access to growth and success.

An overview of Diversity at SBM Offshore
Brazil Pay Equality and Transparency Report
Versão em Português
Em cumprimento à Lei nº14.611, que dispõe sobre a igualdade salarial e de critérios remuneratórios entre mulheres e homens, disponibilizamos abaixo o relatório elaborado pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, com base na análise da Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO). O Relatório de Transparência é um passo importante e necessário em direção à equidade salarial e de carreira. Esses são valores importantes para a SBM Offshore.
Porém, as bases de informação utilizadas pelo Governo Federal, bem como a forma como os dados foram dispostos no relatório, causaram distorções que não refletem fielmente a realidade. Abaixo alguns exemplos.
- A CBO (“Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações”), que serve para descrever de forma geral e ampla as atividades que cada posição realiza, e que foi utilizado como principal critério no relatório, agrupa empregados de cargos e senioridades diferentes, sem considerar os requisitos para equiparação salarial previstos na legislação brasileira (art. 461 da CLT). Essa classificação corresponde ao nível mais amplo da CBO, composto por apenas dez grupos de ocupações, os quais, individualmente, agregam competências e similaridades das atividades executadas pelas respectivas CBOs que os compõem.
- As comparações atuais não refletem de maneira precisa as complexidades das estruturas salariais e hierárquicas das organizações, seguindo conceitos modernos de gestão de cargos e salários, tampouco parecem ter recepcionado conceitos estabelecidos pelo legislador, como exceções por tempo no mesmo cargo e tempo de contratação. Também não levam em conta itens do complexo remuneratório que são impactados por situações específicas e muito particulares de cada empregado (exemplos: adicionais de periculosidade, noturno e outros e horas extras).
A SBM Offshore reforça o seu compromisso com a transparência e com o primeiro Princípio descrito em nosso Global Human Rights Standards: Pessoas são tratadas com dignidade, respeito e justiça, independentemente da sua nacionalidade, genero, etnia, status social e legal, raça ou religião. Por isso, nossas estruturas de remuneração sempre tratam com muita atenção a equidade salarial para níveis de experiência e contribuições similares, objetivando remunerações justas e alinhados com os padrões definidos na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho do Brasil.
Além disso, a empresa tem realizado diversas ações de diversidade e inclusão que têm como objetivo aumentar os índices de diversidade e inclusão em nossa organização. Temos um compromisso contínuo com a transparência com os nossos colaboradores e com a sociedade.
English Version
In compliance with Law No. 14.611, which addresses salary equality and remuneration criteria between women and men, we present below the report prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, based on the analysis of the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO). The National Salary Transparency Report is an important and necessary step towards salary and career equity. These are important values for SBM Offshore. However, the information bases used by the Federal Government, as well as the way the data was included in the report, caused distortions that do not faithfully reflect reality. Below are some examples:
- The CBO (“Brazilian Classification of Occupations”), which serves to broadly and generally describe the activities that each position performs, and which was used as the main criterion in the report, groups employees of different positions and seniorities without considering the equal pay for equal work rules provided for in the Brazilian legislation (article 461, CLT). This is because this classification corresponds to the broadest level of the CBO, composed of only ten occupation groups, which individually aggregate the competencies and similarities of the activities performed by the respective CBOs that make them up.
- The current comparisons do not accurately reflect the complexities of the salary and hierarchical structures of organizations, following modern concepts of job and salary management. Nor do they seem to have adopted concepts established by the legislator, such as exceptions for time in the same position and length of employment. They also do not take into account items in the compensation package that are impacted by specific and very particular situations of each employee (examples: allowances for work under hazardous conditions, night shift allowances and others and overtime).
SBM Offshore reinforces its commitment to transparency and the first Principle described in our Global Human Rights Standards: People are treated with dignity, respect and justice, regardless of their nationality, gender, ethnicity, social and legal status, race or religion and, therefore, our remuneration structures always pay great attention to salary equity for similar levels of experience and contributions, aiming for fair remunerations and aligned with the standards defined in the Brazilian Consolidation of Labor Laws, the CLT in Portuguese.
In addition, the company has carried out several diversity and inclusion actions that aim to increase diversity and inclusion rates in our organization. We have a continuous commitment to transparency with our employees and society.